Defensive Driving Simulator






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Usage Scenarios

Player Starts Game

The player accesses the system through a web browser by navigating to the defensive driving simulator URL. The page is fetched from the web server and loaded into the user's browser. The user is presented with the simulator start screen, which is loaded into the browser as an applet . The user selects the start game option from the main menu and is taken to the difficulty settings screen.

Choose Difficulty

The user has chosen the start game option from the start screen. The user selects the difficulty level and then selects the start game option from the difficulty screen. The applet then connects to the data repository and requests the first level of the simulation. The applet chooses a map. Given the difficulty, the simulator chooses number of traps, sets the desired path (the minimal distance to travel to get all points where start and end points are chosen), and the amount of time for the game. Once the map is populated, the game starts.

Play Game

The user is placed in the city at the start of the path. (This is referred to as the Game UI in the conceptual diagrams.) The user must drive through the path passing each successive trap he encounters in order to gain points. The user can also gain points by staying on the path and collecting the points that are on the road. Upon collecting a certain number of points in a given time, time runs out, or the user reaches the end point of the path, the game ends. If the user satisfies conditions to advance in the game, the player will be directed to the next level unless he was just at the final level, where in that case he beats the game.

Pause Game

The user elects to "pause the game" by pressing the pause key. The applet momentarily pauses and halts the rendering engine .

Quits Game

The user chooses to quit the game and is presented with a screen asking him to confirm this request. If he confirms that he wants to exit, then he will be reverted to the main menu; otherwise, the game will be resumed. At the main menu, the user will have the option of gracefully exiting the applet .

Administrator Logs In

The applet loads and the user chooses the administration feature and the Admin UI is loaded. The system will then validate user credentials based on criteria. Upon validation, the user, now granted administrator privileges, is now presented with administration options.

Change Administrator Password

The administrator is logged on and chooses to change the password. The user must confirm his privileges to do this by typing the old password and then typing a new valid password. Upon confirming the old password, the system updates the administrator password.

Create Map

The user must be logged in as administrator. The administrator chooses to create a new map. A map editor will be presented to them where they will get to create map elements such as roads, buildings, and street signs. The logistics module will verify the user's choices and confirm that the map complies with local traffic regulations. (ex: Stop lights should only be at intersections, dead end's require a sign, etc)

Create Hazard

The user must be logged in as administrator. The administrator chooses to create a new hazard. The administrator is presented with a file browser window so they can choose the hazard file they wish to upload to the simulator. The simulator will then run a "hazard verification check" to ensure that the script is a valid one. If it passes the verification test, then the file is accepted; otherwise, the user is presented with a notification that the script file is invalid or corrupt, and the script is rejected.

Delete Map

The user must be logged in as administrator. The administrator chooses to delete a map. A list of maps is displayed. The user chooses a map from the list of available maps. The user clicks the delete button. The map is then moved to the map recycle bin.

Delete Hazard

The user must be logged in as administrator. The administrator chooses to delete a hazard. A list of functional hazards is displayed. The user chooses a hazard from the list of available hazards. The user clicks the delete button. The hazard is then moved to the hazard "recycle bin."
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