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Project P1d for CS4496, instructor Jarek Rossignac Jacob Bolton and Daniel King

Click and drag polygon verts to move them.
Click and drag polygon mid-points to add verts.
Click and drag polygon verts off-screen to remove them.
Click and drag car number to move them.
Click and drag lines on cars to adjust velocities.

The following four keys affect the car the mouse is hovering over:
0 - Set linear interpolation.
1 - Set Bezier interpolation.
2 - Set circular interpolation.
3 - Set no interpolation.

a - Start/stop animation.
h - Creates cars.
s - Saves cars.
l - Loads cars.
w - Writes out cars.
+ - Add a frame to the currently selected car.
- - Delete the last frame of the currently selected car.
* - Add a car.
/ - Delete currently selected car.
p - Toggle car paths.
c - Toggle car controls.
r - Toggle road editor.
d - Toggle car to display.
f - Save screenshot.
Z - 3D zoom in.
z - 3D zoom out.
` - Switch to/from 3D viewer.

C - Load chop accident.
S - Load swing accident.
W - Load swicth accident.
L - Load pop-left accident.
R - Load pop-right accident.
O - Load our accident (rear end).

Source code: p1d WIO pts threed

Built with Processing